Saturday, December 1, 2012

Life, according to Enolah

Enolah Yolie is my two year and 6 month (yesterday) old toddler and this is life, according to her. Check out the first edition of this series here.

Here's the latest:
- Enolah answers to her name but refers to herself as Yolie. This has been the case for almost a month. 
- Baby pictures of her aren't her brother anymore they are baby Yolie.
- She starting to be more aware of herself, I guess you could put it. She tells me that "she's hungry" and after eating announces that she has "filled her belly" and "it's not ouchie anymore."
- Her memory is getting too good for me to bribe her to do things with phrases like, "when you wake up maybe we'll go bowling" because she wakes up (as she did yesterday) searching for her "bowling shoes." 

- She's totally into to taking awesome self portraits of herself and leaving them as presents on my cell phone, the iPod touch we've given her to use (yea, we're those parents) and our regular camera. 
- The five days we spent with Sam for Thanksgiving have renewed her obsession with him. Her answer to solve ANY issue is, "don't worry Daddy will help us"
 Me: Oh no, your brother is sad.
 E: Don't worry Daddy will help us.

 M: Ugh, It's raining outside!
 E: Don't worry Daddy will help us.

 M: Ouch, I hurt my foot.
 E: Don't worry Daddy will help us.

 M: Your shirt is stuck on your head
 E: Don't worry Daddy will help us.

 M: The kitchen is a mess!
 E: Don't worry Daddy will help us. 

And lastly, Christmas. She totally understood the whole Halloween bit, thank you nick and disney jr., but still hasn't grasped this holiday. We don't have any decorations up yet but several of the people in our neighborhood do and she's starting to see stuff about it on tv. I've caught her wandering the house on several occasions searching for "Christmas" she tells me she "can't find Christmas." Hopefully after some of the activities I have planned for her she'll understand a bit more! I'll have to deal with this though before we can decorate, thanks Sam! 
Those are our trees, high in the rafters!

1 comment:

  1. There you go blaming things on me. You have plenty of strong capable Marines as neighbors who can come get them down.
